• +91 (4147) 251015
  • st_josephclunytmv@yahoo.co.in
Sleek & Beautiful


"Love, Care, Learn and Shine"

Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey urged by the desire to seek, find and accomplish the Will of God, founded the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny in France.

Our Achievements

We offer great Education to our chidren.

Sleek & Beautiful

Academic Achievement

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Sleek & Beautiful

Sports Achievements

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Sleek & Beautiful

Extra Curricular Achievements

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Love, Care, Learn and Shine

Sleek & Beautiful

Vission & Mission

We light up the lives of the young by imparting sound moral, spiritual human and social values, and prepare them to be the bearers of light to transform the society. the global world and practise the motto of our school: “Love and care, learn and shine.”

Sleek & Beautiful

Courses Offered

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings.

Sleek & Beautiful


Our school library is a treasure trove of knowledge consisting of nearly 10,000 books providing. The Science lab is well equipped with laboratory equipments for learning Physics, Chemistry and Biology practically. We have well designed computer lab with one on one access.

Sleek & Beautiful


A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings.

Our latest blog post

Online Application Open on 10-02-2025 (6-AM)